This Rosendahl NanoSyncs comes with a Power Cable.
This unit is in good condition with normal wear, has been fully tested, and works great! Please see pictures for details on item condition.
Product Details:
Nanosyncs is a universal synchronizable audio clock reference with multiple outputs and integrated video black & burst generator. Nanosyncs makes studio setups less complicated, more flexible and optimizes audio quality. When each digital audio device receives a separate clock signal, the digital audio connections are not used as clock lines and can be patched freely.
Nanosyncs provides six separate word clock, one AES / EBU, one SPDIF and four video outputs.
The word clock outputs can be individually configured as FS x1 (44.100 / 48.000 kHz), FS x2 (88.200 / 96.000 kHz), FS x4 (176.4 / 192 kHz) or FS x256 (also known as Digidesign Super Clock) signals.
The unit provides 0.1% (1001/1000) and 4% (25/24) pull up and pull down rates for audio, video and film transfers.
The audio clock synthesizer can be resolved to the internal 1ppm accurate video time base, to external PAL or NTSC video syncs, to an external audio word clock or even to free running LTC time code.
All audio clock signals are direct digital synthesized (DDS) by a high speed RISC controller giving 73 pico seconds resolution.
The pure digital technique reduces clock jitter to below measurable levels.
The internal video sync generator is available as PAL or NTSC version.
In "Internal" mode the four video outputs are connected to the internal black & burst generator.
In all other operation modes the video outputs distribute the video input signal.
Each of the four video outputs is individually buffered.
The unit has a robust aluminium housing and a built-in linear power supply.
Product Specs
Categories:Outboard Gear